Graphic Novel 7/8 DT

Graphic Novels 
A Picture Tells A-thousand Words

This term we are going to be designing graphic novels. 
Stories are a powerful way of passing knowledge, value and information to others. Pictures are also a beautiful, interesting and powerful way of communication. So imagine what could happen if we combined these two. 
Our Project this term is to combine these powerful mediums to Design and create a piece that is relevant and meaningful.

As you consider your project think about the follow...

  • stories that would suit being told through picture
  • meaning: how can my story have meaning
  • maybe you could make it for someone else, someone close to you, someone who is not feeling that good 
During this project please look at Mr Randall's Blog for assistance as well. 
Week 2
This week we are Designing our Characters, Story and setting.

Draw/Design/Develop a cartoon character 

- Give it a name

- Write down some their/its characteristics.

Here is my Character 'Ace' So far

Complete these points before Week 3
Main Idea (what is the point of your story)
Characters (who they are and what they do)
Setting (where is the story)
Plot (what happens) - setting
                                     - Problem or conflict (between charters or setting)
                                     - Climax (high of the problem)
                                     - Resolution (ending moral)
Homework due Week 3
- Finish Character Drawings
- Finish Story outline (use the points above)
- Research 'Graphic Novels' find three images and stick them on a page in your DT Diary
Week 3
This week we need to formulate a story board from the story we have written. This includes the following...
- What happens in each scene
- How many scene you need to tell your story (between 4-8)
You can also consider what medium (or mixture of) you will use to make your pictures

Week 4
This week, firstly, we are to conceptualize and finalize our sequence and layout. We want to create a layout that suits the theme of the novel it's self. So, if we your story includes robots  for example it may be an idea to create the boarders of you boxes with really sharp edges.
before at concept stage


Template for possible layout
Here is a video that may help you in thinking about your Graphic novel
 Check out Mr Randall's Blog for artist study

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