TRAINING THE INNER ATHLETE - from the inside out
Our Project this term is to look at how to train our body in order to improve its ability to perform a task.
Once again I want us to remember how awesome the design of our bodies are; God made us incredibly. God has designed our bodies to be adaptable and to grow and strengthen and learn to do specific tasks with more easy. For example, lets think about the skill of kicking a soccer ball. The are so many muscles that we have to recruit and coordinate in order to perform this action - it is amazing.
What are some other skill that we would learn/use in sport?
What are some skills that you would like to improve or learn?
This term we hope to answer these questions in a practical sense through training our bodies.
week one
Practical. We need a starting point to measure our current fitness. lets record some of these things.
draw a table to help...
Resting heart rate
Max number of push ups in a row
Max number of sit ups in a row
Time for 400m on treadmill
Time for half field sprint (50m)
Now we can make some targets, some goals...
Week 2
Last week we took some indicators of our current fitness level. Our task over for the rest of the project is to improve our fitness in a certain or variety of ways.
The term 'Fitness' is quite a general term. It may refer to any of the following
- Aerobic condition (heart and lungs)
- Strength
- endurance ( the ability to perform a task over a prolonged period)
- Power and speed
- Anaerobic fitness.
- weight loss
Consider an area (way) you would like to improve you would like to improve.
Research some specific ways that make help you improve in this area.
Important aspects of training programs
- goals, targets
- realistic training time
Draw up a weekly planner or use this one here fill in where you can exercise.
Research some simple ways, day to day ways, you can improve you fitness.
Weight Loss
This is not complicated issue, unfortunately there are many mixed and incorrect opinions on this matter. Weight loss is mostly to do with nutrition and low intensity exercise like walking/jogging.
Increasing Aerobic fitness
This will help with endurance tasks as well as feeling fresher throughout the day. We can all benefit from this.
- long actives where heart rate is up around 85% or high
- jogging, soccer, basket ball etc
Anaerobic Fitness
Short energy bursts including fast accelerations in a ball game. This system strained through high resistance like weights etc.
Calculating Heart rate zones
Men: Theoretical Max 220bpm - age
Women: theoretical Max 226bpm - age
Formula to work out your HR zones Max HR x percentage = rate zone
Click for sample exercise ideas
Week 3 - Writing an exercise program to suit your lifestyle
It s great to dream up grand schemes about what your exercise should look like and this has it's place for sure. However, we benefit more from adopting a training program that its
a) Relevant- needs to suit you and your life at large
b) goal orientated - you need to have a reason that you are well aware of
c) reasonable and achievable - can fit in your time and is not overly physically demanding especially
d) well balanced and enjoyable - incorporate a variety of exercise and should be fun or you can learn to like it. has enough time for recovery
Now lets make our own program together...
Click here to download your exercise program template
Week 4
Nutrition - Eat to train
When we consider our training the exercise is only one part. There are many elements that contribute to our improved performance. The most important part of improving exercise/fitness/help is rest and recovery. One important part of recovery is eating. It is really important for us to refuel our bodies after exercise and pre-fuel before exercise and for day to day life. Nutrition is one of the most poorly managed aspects of our society. It is even a financial issue rather, a combination of lack of knowledge and laziness.
Lets look at some of the correct ways to go about eating...
1)Draw a table for what you have eaten in the last 24hrs analyze how this matches with the food pyramid Click Here to Download
Key questions: When should we eat our biggest meal?
What should we eat most of to maintain a health balance in diet?
need to eat well all day, our big meal should be at the start of the
day to fuel us for the days activities. This meal should made up from
complex carbohydrate such as weet-bix, porridge, brown breads and some
protein and calcium including lean meat, eats yogurt milk.
2)Think of other good food ideas for during the day such as snacks and Lunch and Dinner...list your ideas
Research Task: Eating during and around exercise and workout. Research some good food ideas for training, List some important consideration in regards to eating and training. Write a page summarizing your findings be sure to reference sources.
Getting Active: Complete and continue training program. This week's workout
Week 5 - Sleeping well and keeping hygiene
Sleeping is probably one of the most underrated necessities of life. Think of a time when you had very little sleep or stayed up all night and how this effected you. Write your response.
Research Task: a)Research some of the effects of sleep deprivation in general, day to day life. and (b) effects of sleep deprivation on athlete performance.
Hygiene - the maintenance issue
Hygiene is fundamental to maintaining a health and fit lifestyle as well as improving performance. You main not think so but poor hygiene can easily lead to sickness and disease resulting in a loss in the ability to train. It also means our energy systems are devoted to keep us alive rather than strengthening us.
list and discuss some important hygiene considerations.
Getting Active: Complete and continue training program. this week's workout
Week 6
- Building Muscle Strength and weight training - purpose and precautions -

(Firstly, It is my personal recommendation that people under the age of 18 should not do weight training unless under extreme guidance from a professional)
One. we have to stress our muscles this is called overloading. Basically overloading is breaking down are muscle fibers so they can grow back stronger.
NB. A good warm up is extremely important
Two. We need to keep increasing the weight or repetitions each week so we benefit this is 'adaptation'. The term 'Adaptation' means that our bodies adapt to the weights so in order to keep making them stronger giving them unexpected weight to lift.
Three. Specificity is important. As with any activity we need to understand what we are doing. In simple short form...
Big heavy weights with low repetitions (2-4lifts) = Fast titch fiber muscle bulk, explosive power,
lighter weights higher reps (10+ lifts) = slow titch fiber, strength, endurance, muscles lean toned not bulk
Four. Rest and recovery are the most important aspect. This means spacing your exercise days apart and sleeping well. Nutrition is also a huge part of recovery, you want to make sure you eat a protein based food straight after weight training.
key terms: sets, repetitions (reps), adaptation, overloading, muscle bulk, fast titch fiber slow titch fiber
Week 7
Week 8 The Mind - Psychology
Our minds are a gift from God. Whilst this topic is often a contentious one within Christian circles it is important to discuss and develop an opinion or set of believes on. It is the belief of the teacher that the mind has a huge and profound impact on our performance.
God wants us to depend on him for our strength he also wants us to use the gifts we have been given this includes our mental capacity.
So what types of things does our mind control? Well just about everything, well at least all our voluntary bodily movements as well as, in part, our ability to endure pain.
Sports psychology skills adopted by athletes can be used by us every day. What things did you learn from the video about goal setting and self talk?
God is the creator of our mind. Therefore, it is his gift to us and we need to take care of it by not filling it with trash
Romans 12: 2 says Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the
renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will
of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. What does 'transforming by the renewing of our mind' mean?
Read Philippians 4: 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
and Isiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
How do these verses relate to the way we use our minds? What does this mean for you in your approach to life?
Activity: What makes you tick?
Imagine you a half an hour before the biggest sporting or competition event. You are late arriving and flustered. It is a wet, cold, rainy day and you are in the final
What is you plan of attack? Write down some things you could say or do to mentally improve your situation. Extra act out a scenario
Click to download Psychology worksheet.
Week 9
How did you go?
Resting heart rate
Max number of push ups in a row
Max number of sit ups in a row
Time for 400m on treadmill
Time for half field sprint (50m)
Extension Research Task:
Choose a sport, using the AIS fact sheet website note and answer the following.
What specific requires are their in training for this sport?
- nutrition
- type of training
- equipment
- psychological preparation
- any other interesting facts
Extension Research Task:
Choose a sport, using the AIS fact sheet website note and answer the following.
What specific requires are their in training for this sport?
- nutrition
- type of training
- equipment
- psychological preparation
- any other interesting facts
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