7 Music Technology

This term we are looking at the impact advances in technology have had on Music particularly over the last hundred years. There are many facets of Music Technology that impact the way music is performed, composed, distributed and listened.
Think of some ways or devices that impact your experience of music...

What do these terms mean? Looping, Splicing, Track, digital, Stereo, Mono, 
Musique Concrete

Music technology's impact on Composition
Music's Technological advances have changed the way we go about composition. The Beatles 'Revolver' album is testament to this. You can read about that here
Beatles Revolver album's
Listen to Tomorrow Never Knows
Identify looped instruments
  • What effect does The use of Repetition in music have? 
  • How would music sound if it was always the repeated? what about if it was always different?
  • Think of a song you know where music ideas have been repeated. How does this help you to listen to the song?

Musical Concept: Structure - Sections within music
When we talk about repetition in music we can use the musical concept of structure to understand how this works within the music we experience
There are many different structure forms  today in your composition you are to compose a piece in either Binary of tunery form. These structures have two diffenent sections an A and a B section.
  • Binary: A B
  • Ternary: A B A 
Click here to watch a video explaining Ternary form 

Music technology Impact on Performance
Music has also had a profound impact on the way in which we perform music. Technology has changed everything from amplification to instrumentation.

- List some instruments you can think of that have been changed because of discoveries in technology. Think of the guitar and then the electric guitar for example.

All instruments are technology and all technology an be an instrument. Think of the huge progression particularly since the industrial revolution.

Case study: Evolution and creation of  the piano. The invention of the piano came alongside many developments and desires in music at the time. During the baroque period the only instrument available that was similar to the piano was the Harpsichord.  THe short fall with in regards to the Harpsichord is that could not play loud and soft dynamics rather only one constant volume. The Piano Forte was created which litrally means Soft Loud.
 EXTRA -  Research the impact of the industrial revolution
Performance activity - use the keyboards to compose and perform a short piece that represents one of the following... Sunset, storm, busy city.

Music Technology Impact on Recording process
Possibly one of the more noticeable impacts technology has had in the field of music is via advances in recording and distributions.
Click here for worksheet you will need it for this week

Listen two these two versions on the classic Jazz Standard 'At Last'
Musical Concept Tone colour: Tone colour refers to the quality of the sound.
What differences do you Notice in Tone Colour between these two recordings?


Week 5
Music Technology assessment task click here
Listening: The Dissociatives Website
Week 6
Music Technology Impact on listening an Distribution 

The simple Yet powerful crotchet worksheet
Creating a drum loop in Garage band.
This week we are composing our A section
Week 7 
Structure:  Sections in music. 
Structure in music refers to the different sections within a piece of music. As we talked about earlier in the term there are different forms of structure (see week 4). Today we will look at how to compose a different contrasting section, a 'B' section.

Week 8
Structure and repetition.
Repetition is a very important and useful composition techinique. Repetition is used to higlight and emboss a musical idea
What other functions might repetition be used for in music?
List some pieces where repetition is used?
Another very important musical term is Unity. When we refer to unity in music we are thinking about things that are the same or repeted within a piece - these things create unity.

Listening Black eyed Peas "The End"
  1. As you listen identify instruments that are repeating. List them and any other repeated ideas
part two: performance task Class playing melodic fragments Click here
Week 9
The Ostinato - repetition contiued
 Listening Mr. Scuffies Kalimiba. Is a piece of music in the Genre of 'Electronic Pop'. Lets listen to the pieces and consider Structure and take note of all the Ostinatos (riffs).

Week 10
Assessment Due.

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