7 music Instruments and families

Hi year 7 welcome back for Term 2. This term we are going to be learning about instruments and the families they belong to.

Traditional musical  instruments are divided up into many different families. There are four main categorizations

- Percussion
- Strings
- Woodwind
- Brass

Then later we will talk about others like

Vocals and digital that don't really fall into these categories
Week 2

Check out this version of the old Mario bros tune!

Percussion instruments are one that we hit
Drum Kit parts 

Have a go at playing a rock beat like the one below. You can use body percussion or a drum kit.

String Instruments are instruments with strings here are some 

Brass Family

Performance: G C and The D Chord


This week we are looking at the wood wind Family. The Woodwind Family contains instruments that were traditionally constructed from wood. Now many of the instruments in this family, such as the flute (for example), are made from other materials. One instrument that is particularly confusing to categorise is the saxophone because the saxophone is made from brass but it is a woodwind instrument. 
Fundamentally, woodwind instruments are defined as an instrument that is played by blowing air past a sharp edge such as a reed or metal hole (in a flute) the causes air particles to vibrate

Extra - lets have a go at making some woodwind type instruments 

Other - Vocals

Our voices are instruments too...which category should these fit into? 
1) Types of voices

male female Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Alto and Soprano


Week 8

This Term we have been exploring different musical instruments and the families they belong to.

1)    Your task this term is analyse a piece of music or your favorite song  

a.      List the instruments you can hear

b.      List the family that they belong to

c.      Describe the sound of each instrument  (the tone Colour), use describing words (adjectives) e.g. the guitar sounds silky smooth

d.     Explain what you like about the piece. Use musical terms that we have talked about such as pitch, duration and tone colour.

2)    Ask a family member about the type of music they like. Ask them to play a song for you and analyse the song.

a.      List the instruments you can hear

b.      List the family that they belong to

c.      Describe the sound of each instrument – the tone colour use describing words

d.     Ask your parents what they like about the song and write a summary of their response

3)    Present your work either typed out or emailed. You may include pictures, however, you need to make sure you address the points in the assessment mentioned above.  Do a good job in your presentation because you should but also because I want to put them up in the room.

Week 9

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post about music instruments! It's great to see such a wide variety of instruments being highlighted, from traditional ones like the piano and guitar to more unique ones like the harp and didgeridoo. It's always inspiring to see the different ways that people can express themselves through music and these instruments provide endless possibilities. It's also great to see the history and cultural significance of each instrument being discussed. Overall, this is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in learning more about the world of music and the instruments that make it possible. I also remember that the Music Production Courses In India for providing a professional service similar to this.
