A Heart for a Hurting World

Have you ever woken and been really anointed that you have to go to school, its raining and miserable and you don't like your breakfast? 
Sometimes, despite all the comforts that we enjoy we are still ungrateful. Yes, we all experience really hard and sometimes awful things and these are tough to deal with. But, in general, we really live in a comfortable part of the world.
Our project is to consider the term "Poverty" and what that means in our world at present. Let us each try to bring an open mind to this discussion this term as well as a heart that desires change for the circumstances for those who are in need

Genesis 6-9
-         The flood – A rescue mission
-         Who is God in the flood?
-         Class discussion
-         What is God’s intention in the Flood?
-         How do we see the Heart of God?
Read the account of Jesus with the Samaritan women at the well. John 4

Discuss the heart of Jesus toward this woman

-         What does Poverty mean?
check this site
What does God say about poverty?
Luke 14:12-14

-         Is it possible to have money and still be poor?

-         Discuss

The Beatitudes Matt 5
Blessed are the...
What are the guiding priniciples Jesus presents here?

What does God Say about justice?

Leviticus 19:15
'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favouritism to the great, but judge your neighbour fairly.'

Read Luke 6: 17- 41

Proverbs 29:7
The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.

Are we contributing to making an unjust society? What can you do about this?

Are you helping or obstructing the course of justice?


...further on justice...

Think of a time when you have been unjustly treated write down how you felt. Describe the feeling inside; what did it do to you? What did you want to do?

What did Jesus Say when he was treated unjustly?

Are you amazed by this? take a few minutes to think about

- Big idea - equality

Key question why is there inequity? 

- Poverty

- Discrimination

What are we going to do?

We have looked around the world at different needs. Now is our time to respond. We know that there is need right near us in our local community. Think about what you can do as an individual to help those who are in need - reflecting the love of Christ. 

Let’s make this make this a house hold discussion. Let us talk about injustice and poverty in our world. I am not saying that you need to start giving money or give more, for that matter.

I strongly believe that we who are blessed with resource, are blessed so they can give - it is our responsibility. 

So talk about this and never feel too young to make a difference.

What can you give?

We are going to create a hamper basket for a Family in need. So, think of...

- What you have 

- What you can make 

- What you can buy

We will target a family from our school or community who is doing it tough at the moment 

We will pick this unit up next term with the 40hr famine! 

Heidi Baker - Compelled by Love

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