Film Music

“Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.” Ingrid Bergman

The power of music
Film is such a powerful medium but one would argue that much of the influential power of film comes from the music of which brings to life the visual aspect. over this term we will discover what it is and how to make audience cry, laugh, fear and rejoice as we look at this very emotive art form - Film music.
The Artist 
The Jedi temple march

Part One Film Music Emotions/Techniques

i. Tension, Climax and Resolve

Scene: Hong Kong Break-in from Dark Night - Composer Hans Zimmer

1) how is suspense created? think about  loud and soft, high and low, fast and slow
2) does this music create anticipation? how?
3) Where can sense a) climax and how is this achieved?
 and b) resolve and how is it achieved

Watch this clip

ii. Something a little lighter Joy and Elation
Cars and Toy Story Randy Newman
Life could be dream Sh-Boom Cars
Lion King

Now have a go at making your own happy piece
Teacher piano demo of a happy piece

iii. Power - Jaws, Star Wars John Williams  
Watch the following scenes. Analyse what "musical elements" contribute to power, triumph and authority
- Fear Jaws
-        Play Clip King Arthur – Zimmer Triumph

 - often brass instruments and drums
- strong sense of rhythm very even, 'straight beat
- loud and proud to create authority - an association
- minor key use of dissonance

iv. Intrigue, fantasy, interest, wonder  in film music

Hugo, Alice in wonderland, Peter Pan, Bicentennial man

One of the most beautiful types of music (in my opinion) in that in film which creates a sense of wonder or fantasia.

Bicentennial Man 
Peter Pan Flight scene
THe White Queen Alice in Wonderland

  • list the types of musical ideas that create this feeling
      • Sweeping dynamic
      • often ( not always) use of 'modal' scales frequently Lydian and Mixolydian Modes
      •  Unusual (non-diatonic) intervals
      • Large Jumps in pitch
      • Use of ddissonance
      • Large, wide (pitch)  range
      • All of which create the illusion of space
      • Use of drone contrasting high pitch, light pizzicato
      • Highlight the importance of instrumentation orchestral sounds, sweeping legato strings contrasting with pizzicato like piano motifs
      • The creation of musical space
      • More advanced use of the suspended note raised 4th interval then resolve to the 4 chord
v) Sadness, sorrow in music
What the following list musical elements that contribute to sadness, sorrow etc.

 Toy Story 2 Sarah McLaughlin  
A walk to remember

Possibly one of the Saddest most powerful scenes - very well done. Notice the church like, hymn, chords 

    • Often in a minor key mostly for sorrow rather than sad
    • o Often slow tempo
    • o Relatively low pitch
    • o Instrumentation use of acoustic instruments such as legato strings, piano or guitar
    • o Often relatively thin texture
    • -        Extension Q: who decides what contributes to sad or happy? Is it possible to experience both of these at the same time? How much of this is built in and how much do we learn (build expectations)? Research questions

  • What other common musical ideas are found in Film Music so far? list

The power of a good motif

Often the best ideas are simple and catchy. Look at these examples of catchy film music motifs

- Task: Students Write a short Film Score for a film they choose - maximum 5mins in length. 

Composing and using a 'motif'

Study the following film examples analyse the motifs.

- Identify the instruments and the different ostinatos
- How does each composer use the motif?
- What kinds of musical elements has the composer used to repeat the motif but alter to maintain interest and diversity

Hugo: opening scene
Forest Gump: Opening Scene.
Batman: Skyscraper Scene

Part Two Film Music Specifics

i.Theme Music 
Theme music is another very important aspect of film music.  Theme music is the audio (sound) label of a particular film or show. Theme music helps us to identify films, TV shows and provides a powerful connection to the visual content of the film. What are some other functions of theme music?

Listen to the following theme music examples. Identify which movie they each belong to and if you know the movie how do each of these examples suit the themes or ideas presented in that film?
Consider the elements of music in your explanation. 

Man of Steel Sound Track - Hans Zimmer 

Here is the final produce 

ii. LeitMotifs

  Click here for worksheet

iii. Incidental  music

Incidental music is music the occurs during film to assist with the visual. It is not always thematic rather it supports or follows the contour of the visual - like an audio aid

You can read more about Incidental music here

Explain how incidental music is different to Leitmotif 

Extra resources

What do you find striking or interesting about the composition process?
How do you see that relationships are important in collaboration? 

You may use these film scenes as inspiration for your film music composition

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