Timber Project

This term your task is to design and manufacture a box appropriate and useful as a pencil case (or other wooden project upon approval by your teacher).

Safety in the workshop
- The workshop is a dangerous place. It is home to many useful, powerful and sharp tools which used incorrectly or without care can result in serious injury, loss of limb or even loss of life.
- Take a moment to list some of the potential dangers you may encounter in the workshop and some ways you could prevent these

Complete safety test you can find here
Demonstration safe use of tools

2) Design Considerations
  • Research existing designs include at least 3 pictures in your folio
  • Consider suitable materials: types Metal, Textiles, Polymers, Timber
  • value/cost
  • your own skills abilities
  • Now create design criteria that list and explain what will be a successful project for you
3) Drawing
  • Sketch your ideas show teacher and ask for ideas try to match your design criteria
  •  Use Google sketch up or word shapes to draw a model of your design. Include measurements
  • after the ok from teacher print and put in your Folder
 4) Planing and Materials list
5) Start construction of your project
  • measure twice cup once
  • ask for use of tools before using
  • stick to design
6) design evaluation
  • was your project successful? Did it meet your design criteria? 
Help and useful links
Design template
Teacher demonstrate

Case Study - Sustainable Logging
A major aspect of design consideration is sustainability. This means that we have to consider the impact of producing our product over and over. Our generation has some large responsibilities n its hands concerning the environment. God has made us stewards of the earth meaning that we are to look after it. This term we are making boxes out of timber which comes from trees but I'm sure you knew that.
-What are some problems that you may encounter if you were to cut down trees? what about whole forests?
Deforestation - What is it? http://suprememastertv.com/sos-global-warming/deforestation.html

How can we manage deforestation?
What is Sustainable forestry?
What is different about clear cutting in sustainable foresting?
What is third party control or surveillance?
How do they control which trees they will cut down? What is this for?

Further reading

Observe the following Joints.

1) Sketch three different joints. Label them, use colours to show different parts.
2) Research and explain how each (of the three you've chosen) joint may be used in a design situation
3) Discuss possible reasons for using different methods of joining timber  (write a short paragraph)

Timber types - research
1) Why do we use the term 'timber' instead of 'wood' in industry
2) research three different timber types
- what are properties of each timber?
- what are common situations for use of each timber?
- what are rough costings? Why do you think this is the case?

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