Cafe Treats

Week 1
Context: we live in a beautiful part of the world where we are so blessed to be able to experience food from many cultures. In fact Sydney is a highly culturally diverse city home to people from many different parts of the world that have so much to offer. Just think about all the varieties of food you have been able to enjoy. The Blue Mountains is probably less multicultural than much of Sydney but still we have a large fraternity of small business offering great variety of foods. The Mountains is full of cafés there are, at present (2012), over 60 Cafés in the mountains. What is it that makes a dining experience such as these so successful?
This term we have the chance to partake in this experience we also have the duty of catering for the MCC performance night as well as desiging our very own spectacular, cutting edge designer Café treat
Week 1- Breakfast at Café I cup of coffee and healthy Banana Bread served hot with a smear of golden butter
Click Here for Assessment sheet   

Three starting point recipes  
Heathly (low GI) Banana bread Breakfast
Winter Warmer Spicy Sweet Potato Soup
Delightful Desert Daring Wild-berry cheese cake

Coffee this, Coffee that, Coffee ethics
Consider...Is caffeine a drug?
Caffeine is a stimulant, It raises our heart rate and wakes our bodies, preparing them for action. Many people rely on a strong cup of coffee to get them going in the morning. Is this ok? have we been addicted to this 'drug' as a nation? (Research)
What do we find so enticing about Cafes? Could it be to do with the sweet and caffeinated foods we consume there that make us feel happy?
foods high in sugar raise our blood sugar level and make us feel happy is this a drug? where does food change from food into drug?

Designing Stunning food
Homework: Week 4 Reflection on your cafe dish so far...What was good? what was bad? what  ingredients/procedure needs to be changed ? What further innovations would improve it?

Interesting article  
Week 8 
  • Catering for Performance Evening  
  • Friday updating folio work
  • and...
Safe Food Handling site  Click Here

Case study: The Food industry at work for a better cause. Jamie Oliver's Cafe Fifteen
Watch the online clip
  • Design the ultimate cafe experience 
  • Design the cafe layout, menu, 

Week food TV

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