Bible year 8: God the Creator loves Me

God, the Creator, Loves Me

Week one
Genesis 1 and 2 tell the story of God creating the world. This shows just some of God's amazing power, the power to create the entire universe and all it's complexities and wonder. This same God is the God who loves us and knows us. Wow! what an awesome privilege

Read Bible story starting at Matthew 6:25. This passage taught by Jesus expresses just a small token of the huge care that God has for people - the ones that he created in his image. 

Make a table the people that are special to you how do they show that they care for you? How you care for them?

Big question - How does God care for you? How do you know this?

Week Two
Key question...How much am I worth?
Last week we thought about how God cares for us. How do we know this? (brainstorm)

How Can We show God's Love to others?
How can we feel God's Love?

Lets play "how much is this worth?"


How much is a person worth?

Read Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 139:14 and Matthew 16:26
and 1 Peter 1:18-21
KEY QUESTION knowing that we are worth the price of God's own son Jesus, How Should we respond?
discuss in groups
week 4/5
Last week we talked about how God payed the price of his own son for us. So what should we do with our lives know this? Well, we said that we should give our best in everything we do and who we are. That is a big call, but if we truly believe in God and who he is then that is something very important for us to think about.

Written down your interests/gifts/abilities and think about what they mean for you.
Convert these into possible Goals for your self.

I think it is very important for us to be doing the things we are designed to be doing.
hence, it is important for us to have goals to keep us on track with our gifting and interests.

H/Work 28/2/12
Read Romans 12 (if you don't have a bible you can use the net or download a phone app)
How Does God fit into our Goals? What does he think about our plans?

Discuss as a class your Hwork from last night
New topic four power week of "POWER PSALMS"

The Psalms are honest prayers, hymns, praise, cries for help, forgiveness to our awesome God. over the next few weeks we will look at how the Psalms are inspired by God's holy spirit to help us to connect with him.
Like a powerful V8 or majestic Lion the Psalms are the most colourful honest and up front writing you may ever see.

Write down how you honestly feel about God and then we can discuss
read Psalm 91

PSALMS 139 from worshiphousemedia on GodTube.
What is you response to this? how do you feel?


The Bible tell us that God Watches over us (Psalm 121:5). How does that make you feel? How can you live in each day knowing this?

Psalm 23 The Lord Is my Shepard

this is an amazing assurance of God's providence and blessing. God loves his children (those who accept hi as Lord and Saviour) so much he acts like a Shepard, a guide, a true father. I like to imagine God as a big strong Dad that would never let harm come upon his children, that would never let them go with out. Of course, God is so much richer than that, there is no description that can fully explain who God is. However, please know that God is you Saviour, he is your guide and your true love. God is the definition of Love, God is the author of rightness (righteousness) he is the one with the answers to your problems
Has there been a time when you have gone without? When we answered this question in class the answer was a resounding "no". This is not to say that you will have everything you want all the time nor does it mean that you will not have to work. God's promise to you is that ultimately when all is finished those who call hi Lord will never, never go without. Wow, what a comfort, what a promise.
So then, what does this mean for us now, here on earth. Well I think we need to live in light of this promise. We need to live and act knowing that God loves and provides and cherishes his children. I believe that when we start to understand this we may begging to feel much more positive and therefore much more productive; doing the work that God has set for us to do.
I have said before that God speaks to me through his creation. Go outside and experience just a token of God's Greatness. Take some payer, pens, pencils, whatever and respond to how great our God is.
Listen to "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin.

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